2025 Festival October 3-5, 2025
Signed in as:
2025 Festival October 3-5, 2025
Signed in as:
We thank you for your interest in representing the Louisiana Cattle Festival and the city of Abbeville!
The Louisiana Cattle Festival pageants are held in the Abbeville High School Auditorium and are portioned into three separate pageants:
** Deadline for pageant entries is Wednesday, April 30, 2025, for Petite, Deb, Junior, Teen, Miss, and Ms.! **
Saturday, May 3, 2025
3:30 pm: Petite / Deb / Junior Queen Pageant
Age Divisions
6:30 pm: Teen / Miss / Ms. Queen Pageant
Age Divisions
Please select age-appropriate entry forms below.
Sunday, May 4, 2025
** Deadline for pageant entries is Friday, May 1 for all baby divisions! **
10:00 am: Baby Queen & King Pageant
Age Divisions
Girls & Boys:
Please select age-appropriate entry forms below.
**Below are age-specific pageant entry forms. Please find your category of interest, complete, and follow submission instructions on form.
Thank you! Good Luck!
The Louisiana Cattle Festival Association is very proud of our royalty and the great job they have done, and continue to do, in promoting our festival and cattle industry of Louisiana.
Online Entry Submission
Online Entry Submission
Online Entry Submission
Please reach us at louisianacattlefestival@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Click on the link above, which will direct you to Venmo. Type in the
"Send to ": @LaCattleFestival
You may bring the photo the day of the pageant at Registration. Only the photo is allowed NO ENTRY FORMS!
The only division that is Mandatory that must attend is the Miss division 17-23 yrs old. However, it is optional for Teen & Ms to attend as we will cover details of the contract and what to expect the day of the pageant.
Answer: NO, you must be paid in full by the deadline. No exceptions. You have 2 options, you can either pay online using Venmo or mail a money order to the address on the form. Please still print a form for all detail information. Example: Interview/Pageant/Attire
Answer: NO, Regardless of what type of pageant title it is, they are not eligible to compete for any La Cattle Festival Queen Petite - Ms titles. You can't hold a title a year prior and will sign a contract for a year if crowned not allowed to compete for any other title for a year after.